The climate of Ferozepur district is, on the whole, dry and is characterized by very hot summer, a short rainy season and a bracing with winter. The year may be divided into four seasons. The cold season is from November to March, followed by the summer season which lasts up to about end of June. The period from July to the middle of September constitutes the south-westerly monsoon season. The latter half of September and October may be termed as the post-monsoon or the transition period.
From about the end of March, the temperature increases rapidly till June which is generally the hottest month and on individual days, the maximum temperature may be about 47’C. However, with the onset of the monsoon by about end of June or early July, there is an appreciable drop in day temperature but the weather remains oppressive due to the increased moisture in July and August. By about the second week of September both day band night temperatures begin to fall, the drop in the night temperature being more than the day temperature. After October, both the day and night temperatures decrease rapidly till January, which happens to be the coldest month when the minimum temperature occasionally drops to about a degree of two below the freezing point of water.
The rainfall in the district generally increases from the south-west towards the north east. About 70 percent of the annual rainfall in the district is received during the period from July to September, July and August being the rainiest months. Some rainfall occurs during the pre-monsoon months, mostly in the form of thunder showers. In the winter season, some rainfall occurs under the influence of westerly disturbances. However, the variation in the rainfall from year to year is large. The following table give monthly rainfall based on average of 10 years, 1991-2000 for the district.